Archives for Chile - Page 3

Embezzled in Uruguay

Embezzled in Uruguay In 2014 we informed our readers that our Uruguay bank account had been embezzled and that we would tell you more about it after it was settled. Not all...Read more
Corral, Chile

Corral, Chile

Corral is an excellent location for expats who enjoy the benefits of Valdivia, but would like a beautiful, relaxed, countryside retreat with or without beach access.
Valdivia! (Chile)

Valdivia! (Chile)

The Writer and her family as they were leaving Texas with their six hunting dogs for their new, as yet unseen home, in Valdivia.
Going Energy Independent in Chile

Going Energy Independent in Chile

By Lori Dorchak Chile is a country with energy problems. Sadly, politics, bureaucracy, and inefficiency have stalled out many improvements in the energy grid, stifling economic growth and creating...Read more
We Diversify Our Banking

We Diversify Our Banking

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One More Path to Independence

One More Path to Independence

As everyone knows, our major goal at Four Flags Journal is freedom . . . independence . . . some even call it personal sovereignty. We approach that goal...Read more