Health 500

Statistics tell us that one person in every two will have cancer. At the turn of the last century one person in 33 developed cancer. Now they tell  us that, at the rate we are going, soon everyone will have cancer.

What is wrong with this picture? What has changed? And what are your chances of escaping? Well actually they are very good. We have good news for you.

You say, But I had cancer because my mother had cancer. It’s in the genes. And for sure there are genetic weaknesses in every family. But research is telling us that those genes do not kick in unless our immune system is compromised. It is when our immune system is sick enough, that that weakest link in our family chain is most likely to be the one that breaks. Our poor immune system, try as it may, just can’t keep up because it is so emaciated itself.

As you know FFJ is all about freedom, which only comes through independence. If I am dependent on getting to a hospital, I am very limited. I can’t live where I want. I can’t do what I want. I have to be in or near a large city. To our thinking that is not freedom. Many of us feel so dependent on a doctor that if we were ever faced with the prospect of being without our medical insurance, we would panic. That, my friend, is not freedom. Freedom involves choices. We hear from so many people who ask where we suggest they look in deciding where to settle, but they have to be near a large hospital. Well, that is seriously limiting.

If we just can’t help it, that’s  one thing. But we  have found, from experience, that most people can return to wonderful, absolute health if they are only willing to do it. And at any age. Our bodies are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Our immune system is awesome. Sadly few people are aware of that fact because we are forever being marketed otherwise in the process of harvesting us. “Ask your doctor if _______ is right for you.”  Rarely anything to really help you toward health. Only to mask symptoms, and then those drugs cause side effects that require more drugs to mask those symptoms. We are going to try to pass on a more helpful kind of information to you from time to time.

Those of you who have been reading FFJ for several years know that your editor was diagnosed 14 years ago with an orange-size tumor. I had already had basil cell carcinoma of the skin for years, which was excised surgically. And now an abdominal tumor. My sister-in-law had taken me to the doctor because I was so weak I was in the care of her and my brother. The doctor called her in to be with me when he told me. Surgery was scheduled within days.

I had seen an M. D., Dr. Loraine Day, on TV a few months earlier. She was diagnosed with breast cancer and had refused traditional medical treatment, though she did have the lump itself removed. Neither she nor the other surgeon thought it was cancer. But it was and had invaded her chest wall and glands. Instead of further surgery, chemo and radiation, she went to a natural program and recovered against all odds. So I talked with my family about putting off surgery and trying the same program Dr. Day had used for three months and if there was no improvement, I would have the surgery. The surgeon told me if I waited six months I WOULD have the surgery and by then it would be emergency surgery.

To make this short, I followed the program to the letter. Absolutely no cheating. Cancer is very unforgiving and one must be meticulous in avoiding the things that cause cancer.

Without giving more detail here, in four months I was able to return to my home. My energy had partly returned but it was a few more months until I felt normal again. Two weeks after I returned home, or 4 1/2 months into this program, the cancer lesion on my face fell off. Three years later I went back and the tumor was gone. But to my surprise, my asthma that I had had since age 3, also was gone. My arthritis, which I’d had for 30 years, also was gone. And more than that, some herniated disks in my neck from an auto accident years earlier, also healed.  I had no idea this was possible. How come none of the doctors I went to over the years ever told me about this instead of giving me drugs to take in case of a problem? Because, according to Dr. Loraine Day, they don’t know. So they can’t tell us. The pharmaceutical companies fund the medical schools and provide teachers as well. It is a brilliant marketing plan and it is working. And if a doctor does discover it, it is in the same way that you and I discover it, but if they were to tell you to do it, they lose their license to practice medicine in most states of the U. S..

While we are at it, I hope that none of you will fall for this idea that cannabis will cure cancer. That is the same mentality as those that want to go to the doctor and get a pill that will allow them to continue their unhealthy lifestyle without penalty, just pop a pill and everything will be okay. We are not saying there is no herbal benefit of cannabis. There may be. But cancer is not caused by a deficiency of cannabis. It is caused by a lifestyle that encourages cancer, heart trouble, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, arthritis, autoimmune diseases and the list goes on.

I was 62 when I made the change. I have known of at least one 85-year-old that did the same thing. So don’t be misled to think you’re too old. You aren’t. Also, the change is usually quite fast. Every victim of high blood pressure I’ve known who decided to go this route had normal blood pressure in less than a month, some who had been on three different medications for many years. Let us encourage you that for almost everyone, you can return to health. Now, if you’ve lost a leg because of diabetes, regrowing a leg is a bit much to ask of the immune system. But my own recovery from long-time degenerative disease that medics claim are incurable, seems miraculous, but it is not miraculous at all. It is normal. When we restore our immune system, it will do what God created it to do and to be–get us well and keep us that way as long as we keep doing what we should. What did I learn from all that? If you give your body what it needs, and quit putting toxins in to gum up the works, you rebuild your immune system, and your immune system is designed to fix everything. I know that’s hard to believe because of our mental conditioning. I didn’t fully understand it myself at the time. Just look at the benefits. Not only am I completely well, I have no pain anywhere, and I have more money to spend.  I no longer  have any medical expense or prescription expense. I do go for certain medical checkups but paying for them is a small matter here in South America where I am. And  yes, the doctors  here are very good! I have no reason to go anywhere else.

The video included here, The Truth About Cancer and Disease,  is by Dr. Thomas Lodi, M.D. He jokes that he is a “recovering allopath.” For those who don’t know, allopath just means he is an M.D. and went to medical school. Recovering because he realizes the inadequacy of allopathy. Allopathic medicine, which only treats symptoms,  is on the other side of the fence from naturopathic medicine which seeks to establish conditions that enable the body to heal naturally. We hope to help you understand what disease truly is and what you can do about it if you choose to. We want you to know what power is in your hands. We think this doctor does a good job of explaining.

We  hope this will give some of you hope. There is good news out here and we will work to be sure you know about it. In the meantime, do remember that we can’t just stop taking drugs that have been prescribed in most cases. We have to make the changes necessary so that we no longer need them. And hard as it may be to believe, in most cases we can do it. If you are under the care of a physician, perhaps he or she will be willing to monitor your progress.

Here is to your good health!


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